Latest Tribe_events



Teach 1 Basketball @ The Dewitt Center (Thursdays)

Teach 1 Basketball is geared towards youth who do not have direct access to personal trainers. Together they work to improve their basketball skills, knowledge, endurance, health, and nutrition.


Nutrition Cooking Demonstration

Learn how to prepare healthy meals on a budget, connect with your neighbors, and enjoy a delicious meal! Join us for MPDC’s Nutrition Cooking Demonstrations in partnership with Daily Table & Dana Farber.


Boston Public Schools Theater Festival

Join BPS Arts for an informal festival for theater & spoken work teachers & students.


Summer Youth Jobs Search Workshop

MPDC’s Soheil Turner Leadership Youth Institute will be open special hours for any youth to come and apply for summer jobs.  During these special workshops, come get assistance with BCYF SuccessLink online applications, MPDC’s summer job application, research available job searches, make connections to other resources, and more.