Latest Tribe_events



Radical Black Girl presents: MY CITY, MY BODY a multi-media performance and dialogue

Radical Black Girl will be kicking off Hibernian Hall’s new artist residency program “SOL*ARTS” with the first iteration of their traveling research and performance project called
“My City, My Body or If Concrete Could Talk or For Those Who May Be Traumatized.”


Nutrition Cooking Demonstration

Learn how to prepare healthy meals on a budget, connect with your neighbors, and enjoy a delicious meal!


Let Girls Learn

This sexual health education program is for any girl age 11-19 to learn about their body & development to empower their choices.


LIPGLOSS! -Ladies Involved in Protecting Girls Lives On Serious Subjects- @ The Dewitt Center (Saturdays)

LIPGLOSS! works with females ages 11 – 15 to help them to become empowered young ladies with the necessary tools to be strong, productive leaders in their communities.