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2020 Census: Roxbury Counts Kick-Off Event

Join us for our Census 2020 kick-off event on Friday, June 14th from 9 am to 11 am at The Dewitt Center.


Black and Green: Celebrating 100 Years of Women’s Suffrage

The IIIC and Montserrat Aspirers invite you to hear from Suffolk County District Attorney Rachael Rollins, historian Bridget Keown, and IIIC immigration attorney Megan Parker-Johnson, as we honor women’s leadership and voices.


SCDAO Town Hall

DA Rollins will be hosting a quarterly community session where she and members of her Executive Office will attend to share reports out of the office and then there will be a Q&A.


MPDC’s HiSET (GED) Training Program Orientation

MPDC’s Opportunity Youth Employment Program (OYEP) serves disengaged, court-involved young people, ages 16 to 24 who are out school, in transitional/alternative schools, or unemployed. We offer candidates who participate in OYEP a stipend for development workshops and a paid internship.