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MPDC’s First Time Homebuyers Class

Ready to buy your first home? MPDC’s First Time Homebuyers Class can help!


POSTPONED TO SEPTEMBER: Whittier Choice Community Open House

The Whittier Choice Neighborhood Initiative is a $30 million HUD grant awarded to the Boston Housing Authority and its residents of the Whittier Street housing development. As part of the grant, the Choice initiative is focused on three strategies – Housing, Neighborhood, and People.Join them for a community meeting at The Dewitt Center on Friday, June 7, 2019.


Fair Housing Free Open House

Join the City of Boston for a day of connecting constituents and Boston housing service providers at The Dewitt Center!


Madison Melnea Cass Apartments Information Session

Affordable housing opportunity! Did you know that there are plenty of opportunities to pick up an application for the new Madison Melnea Cass Apartments?