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In U.S. News & World Report: Do You Live in a Food Desert?
In Roxbury, a neighborhood in Boston, the Madison Park Development Corporation focuses on increasing healthy food access to residents. Community gardens serve as not only a place for fresh fruits and vegetables to grow, but also as a gathering place to cook, exercise and encourage involvement in the neighborhood.

In the Bay State Banner: Roxbury win’s Boston’s third cultural district designation
Roxbury artists and local businesses are slated for a boost, as a section of the neighborhood received designation as a state cultural district.

In the Boston Herald: 16-unit condo complex proposed for Dudley Square
Madison Park Development Corp. is hoping to bring needed new home ownership opportunities to Roxbury’s Dudley Square area through a new 16-unit condominium building.
Wrestling with Freedom performed at Hibernian Hall, February 17 – February 26
Madison Park Development Corporation is pleased to announce the premiere production of Wrestling with Freedom, a new play connecting African-American history to the country’s present predicament.