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NABWIC Talks with Katrina Conrad Workforce Diversity Project Manager, MPDC

Hear Katrina Conrad, MPDC’s Workforce Diversity & Development Manager, on NABWIC’s podcast!


On BNN News: Making the Count and Serving Needs in Roxbury

Eva Ackerman, Fellow with the Madison Park Development Corporation, talks about efforts to reverse a history of undercounting on the US Census in Roxbury while helping families meet other needs during the COVID-19 outbreak. Interview for BNN News. Aired April 1, 2020.


In the Bay State Banner: ‘Long Day’s Journey Into Night’ with all black cast at Hibernian Hall

Eugene O’Neill’s classic play “Long Day’s Journey Into Night” explores the dynamic of a family during the course of 24 hours, revealing that deep familial love can exist simultaneously with addiction and conflict.


In Broadway World: Reimagined LONG DAY’S JOURNEY INTO NIGHT Features Actors Of Color at Hibernian Hall in Roxbury

Long Day’s Journey into Night opens on March 17th 2020 at Hibernian Hall in Roxbury, featuring actors of color and exploring Eugene O’Neill’s Pulitzer Prize-winning play through the lens of African-American experiences.