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On BNN: “Sparks for Arts” Event Goes Virtual

Kelly Ransom, Director of Communications & Events for Madison Park Development Corp., talks about the November 19 “Sparks for Arts” virtual fundraiser to support cultural programming at Hibernian Hall and help Black-owned businesses. Interview for BNN News. Aired November 10, 2020.


On BNN: Black Artists to Share Healing and Love

Ashleigh Gordon, Artistic and Executive Director of Castle of Our Skins, talks about multi-disciplinary virtual performance series by Black artists to provide healing and love–including support for Black businesses. The series is in partnership. with Hibernian Hall and the Madison Park Development Corporation. Interview for BNN News. Aired October 30, 2020.


From NeighborWorks America: Drive-in brings community together

For many people, the drive-in is a symbol of the past. But with COVID-19 and the call for social distancing, it’s become a symbol of the present, and residents in Roxbury couldn’t be happier about it.


On WBUR: Early Voters Go To The Polls In Mass., Voice Concerns Over Getting Ballots Counted

Communities across Massachusetts have begun offering residents the chance to vote in-person, two weeks ahead of Election Day.