Latest Press


In Universal Hub: Urban League wins approval of new residential building and office on Warren Street in Roxbury

On October 25th, 2022, Universal Hub shared that the Zoning Board of Appeal approved Urban League’s proposal to “replace its current headquarters on Warren Street in Roxbury with a new six-story building would have a new office for the league topped with a mix of apartments and condos – 65 in all and all designated as affordable” — Click to read more details.


In Boston Globe: Six Things we learned about Greater Boston’s housing crisis from the new Boston Foundation Report Card

On October 26th, 2022, Andrew Brinker, Boston Globe Correspondent, shared six key takeaways from The Boston Foundation’s Greater Housing Report Card Forum that occurred this Wednesday — Click to read more details.


In News@Northeastern: Northeastern Students Help Rake Leaves, Pull Weeds, and Paint Walls

On October 27th, 2022, News@Northeastern shared that Northeastern students participated in community volunteering efforts at the Madison Park Community Village Garden, also known as the Hope Community Garden, alongside MPDC and its department for Health Equity and Wellness — Click to read more details.


ON WBUR: MyCAP’s Parcel 3 victory and the Roxbury Strategic Master Plan Oversight Committee

On Thursday, October 5th, My City at Peace (MyCAP) Co-Founder, Reverand Jeffrey Brown spoke to WBUR about MyCAP’s Parcel 3 victory and the Roxbury Strategic Master Plan Oversight Committee’s decision to approve their proposal for the redevelopment of the vacant lot located in Roxbury.