On Universal Hub: New affordable apartments, condos approved for Grove Hall


Rendering of proposed 639 Warren St.

Rendering by Studio Luz Architects.

The Zoning Board of Appeal today approved plans for a six-story building with 54 apartments and 9 condos on Warren Street at Crawford Street in Grove Hall.

All of the units will be rented or sold to people making up to between 80% and 100% of the Boston area median income, under the proposal by the Madison Park Development Corp.

The building, designed to allow a continued view of a mural on Warren Street, would have 22 parking spaces, accessible via the lot’s small access on Georgia Street.

It would also have ground-floor space for two stores.

The Boston Planning Department approved the proposal last month.

639 Warrren St. filings.

Read the story as it originally appeared on Universal Hub here.