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In Broadway World: Actors’ Shakespeare Project’s 15th Season Continues with NAT TURNER IN JERUSALEM
Actors’ Shakespeare Project’s 15th Season continues with Nat Turner in Jerusalem, performed at Hibernian Hall in Roxbury. Performances January 30 – February 24 (Press Performance: Saturday, February 2, 8:00 PM, […]

In the Bay State Banner: Joy to the world
“Unto This House: The King of Kings is Born,” a production by Boston playwright Alda Marshall Witherspoon, debuts at Hibernian Hall through Dec. 16. Co-presented by the Witherspoon Institute and […]

On Neighborhood Network News: Holiday Musical Dec. 7-16 at Hibernian Hall
Alda Marshall Witherspoon, playwright for “Unto This House: The King of Kings Is Born,” talks about this year’s production, along with BNN Media video producer Steve Marx. Interview for BNN News.

On WCVB 5: CityLine December 2, 2018 Unto This House: The King of Kings is Born
At Hibernian Hall the play “Unto this House: The King of King is Born” will showcase African ballet, Gospel music, poetry, puppetry and mime. Playwright and producer Alda Marshall Witherspoon and D. Farai Williams, Artistic Director Hibernian Hall discuss the themes of the play.