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In The Bay State Banner: DA candidates get specific on policy during debate
Banner Photo In the five-way race for the Suffolk County district attorney office, candidates made their case for election at a public debate last week hosted by the “What a […]

In the Boston Globe: Suffolk DA candidates face off at debate
A composite image of five candidates for Suffolk district attorney, who appeared at a debate in April. From top left, Linda Champion, Rachael Rollins, Shannon McAuliffe, Evandro Carvalho, and Greg […]

Press Release: Suffolk County District Attorney Candidates Debate Thursday at Hibernian Hall
Roxbury, MA – The Madison Park Development Corporation (MPDC) in partnership with the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) of Massachusetts, is pleased to host the next Suffolk County District Attorney […]

In the Bay State Banner: Dem. Candidates Agree on Issues in Gov’s Race
The democratic contenders for Massachusetts governor said little to define their differences Monday night at a RoxVote-sponsored debate held at Hibernian Hall in Dudley Square and moderated by Meghan Irons and Adrian Walker of the Boston Globe.