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On WBUR: Early Voters Go To The Polls In Mass., Voice Concerns Over Getting Ballots Counted
Communities across Massachusetts have begun offering residents the chance to vote in-person, two weeks ahead of Election Day.

On Universal Hub: Roxbury gets a drive-in theater for the next month
The Nubian Summer Drive-In, which officially launches tonight, will show movies through October on a 40-foot-screen at the former Bartlett Yard bus yard at 2565 Washington St.

In the BJC Bulletin from the Boston Jobs Coalition: BJC & MPDC distribute food to local residents
BJC & MPDC distribute food to local residents during COVID-19.

On BNN News: Making the Count and Serving Needs in Roxbury
Eva Ackerman, Fellow with the Madison Park Development Corporation, talks about efforts to reverse a history of undercounting on the US Census in Roxbury while helping families meet other needs during the COVID-19 outbreak. Interview for BNN News. Aired April 1, 2020.