November 8th was a SPARK-tacular evening celebrating Jeanne Pinado’s 20th anniversary as CEO at MPDC and paying homage to Hibernian Hall’s stalwart support of arts & culture in Roxbury. Over 200 people joined us for a beautiful event which included remarks from Mayor Marty Walsh who praised Jeanne’s contributions to the neighborhood and the city, Representative Byron Rushing who spoke about the fascinating history of MPDC starting in the 1960’s, and Councilor Kim Janey who presented a City Council Resolution recognizing Jeanne and her numerous accomplishments.
With two bands – the Fred Woodard Group and Four on the Floor – a great time was had by all! Many thanks to everyone who attended this festive night (old friends and new), our generous sponsors, and to the fabulous bidders who raised their hands for MPDC’s first ever Opportunity Bid hosted by Abrigal Forrester, MPDC’s Director of Community Action, who began the night’s festivities with a lot of energy and fun as our “auctioneer.”
Sparks for the Arts shines bright!