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Castle of Our Skins brings “I AM A MAN 2019” to Hibernian Hall
Through film, spoken word, dance, history, community, and music, the “I AM A MAN 2019” project is an educational and artistic examination of this famous civil rights declaration. As human dignity continues to be challenged throughout the world, “I AM A MAN 2019” serves as a reminder that such challenges have been overcome in the past, and will be overcome in the future. Encouraging people to have strength to stand up to injustice, “I AM A MAN 2019” discusses contemporary concerns of Black masculinity and human dignity, while celebrating the past and present contributions of men fighting for equality.

MPDC’s April Newsletter
MPDC had an amazing April! Read all about it in our latest newsletter.

SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT: MPDC Announces Leadership Change; Seeks New CEO
The Board of Directors of Madison Park Development Corporation (MPDC) today announced that Jeanne Pinado will step down as Chief Executive Officer after 21 years of leadership effective December 31, 2019. The board formed a search committee and has enlisted the services ofAnn L Silverman Consulting to help lead the work of identifying a new CEO.

We Create Festival This Weekend at Hibernian Hall (April 5-6)
We Create is a process-oriented festival that gives artists the opportunity to create original works around an annual theme during a period of 6 months. Artists meet twice during that period to share and discuss their process; the final work is presented at the We Create festival.