Women’s Health and Wellness Shop Table Talk | Hosted by MPDC
Kelly Lydon
Learn, Build, and Create Change at MPDC’s Women’s Health and Wellness “SHOP” Table Talk!
About Health and Wellness “SHOP” Table Talk: Engagein transparent communication on health disparities, sexual health, and mental health. Black and Brown, as well as the Migrant community, but everyone is encouraged to join the space and the “SHOP” Table Talk conversation!
When:Starting Wednesday, October 19th, 2023; from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm
Where:MPDC’s Offices (located at 184 Dudley Street, Suite 200, Roxbury, MA 02119)
For more information about MPDC’s Women’s Health and Wellness “SHOP” Table Talk, please contact Tahara Samuel,Community Action Manager, attsamuel@madison-park.org.