Site icon Madison Park Development Corporation

Afrobeat Fit – Fierce Urgency of Now

Afrobeat Fit is the movement of the diaspora! Sweat Sessions also come stocked with a Sweat Pop Up Shop, powered by Gola Gal. Participants are guided through the 60 minutes by trained Sweat Coaches, an Afrobeat DJ maintains the vibe, photo booth fun to capture the moments, giveaways and lastly a sense of solidarity among attendees. All the while changing social narratives about dance (i.e masculinity and dance).


How do I know if the F.U.N. festival is for me?

Answer: If you are a young professional or young professional of color in Boston and you are looking to enhance your life and gain allies, then F.U.N. is for you.

How do I get to your location by public transportation or car, and where can I park?

Answer: Feel free to put the above address in Google Maps or Waze to explore transportation options.

What do I need to bring to the event? (i.e. license, proof of registration)

Answer: Come as you are!

A friend
A smile
A Water bottle

Will there be food?

Answer: Water is permitted in order to stay hydrated during the sweat!

How can I contact the organizer of the event?

Answer: Please direct any questions or concerns to

Can’t wait to sweat with you!

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